Another marquetry book is due to be published this Summer. "The Fine Art of Marquetry: Creating Images in Wood Using Sawn Veneers" by Craig Vandall Stevens. Publication date is set for July 31, 2010. With 160 pages it will list for $39.99. Amazon discribes the book as "An illustrated guide to marquetry, a technique where different colors of wood veneers are carefully cut to fit precisely together, forming a single sheet of veneer. Explore your creative potential and learn the essential elements of marquetry: using a fret saw, sawing your own veneers out of solid wood planks, the tools and materials required for marquetry, choosing wood, design, shading with hot sand, and applying a shellac finish."
There are many books on marquetry that are available. Many, however, are complicated in their approach for the newbie or offer particular methods employed by the author. For beginners, I always recommend a copy of "Modern Marquetry Handbook" if one can be found. It is out of print, but a few are available on ebay and other outlets that sell used books. It provides step-by-step instruction that any novice can understand and covers the most common methods of cutting as well as finishing. The now disbanned Marquetry Society of American had it published as a manual for its members and those wanting to learn marquetry in 1978. Many learned the craft with the use of this book and swear to its pragmatic approach.
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